This is an unframed reproduction of a pencil drawing of Tech Tower on the Georgia Tech's Campus in Atlanta. The Tech Tower artwork is printed on an 11" x 17" non acid heavy paper. The actual art is 9.5" x 12" in size on that sheet.

You can give a present of this magnificent Tech Tower artwork for $30.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling. This Tech Tower artwork will remind your family members or friends of the great time they had on the beautiful Georgia Tech Campus in Atlanta

A copy of this image can be purchase by contacting me (Ron Clowney) at I will send you a copy through the U.S. Postal Service and once you have had a chance to inspect the image you can mail me a check for $33.95. If you do not want the image please return the image to me.



Tech Tower, Georgia Tech Campus, Atlanta GA

Tech Tower, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA